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Introductory Remarks May 2002 My
fellow citizens:
When the Queens Civic Congress was formed in 1997 a central objective was
to provide civics from every corner of the borough the ability to join with
other civics on common issues. The 1998-1999 QCC Platform was the first
time a borough wide community of civic organizations presented a united position
on a variety of subjects in New York City. The 2000-2001 Platform was revised,
expanded, and ultimately approved by a unanimous vote of the Congress after
extensive research, committee work, and consultation with planners, educators,
transportation experts, and community groups.
Very truly yours,
Sean M. Walsh
Robert I. Harris
Sean M. Walsh Executive Vice Presidents:
B. Bearak Patricia Dolan Vice
Tina Chan
Kenneth Cohen
Richard Hellenbrecht
Margo Hill
Cathryn Keeshan
David Kulick
Nagassar Ramgarib
Edwin Westley Secretary:
Seymour Schwartz Treasurer:
James A. Trent Committees Chairs
& By Laws................................ Albert Greenblatt Aviation
& Noise.............................. Seymour Schwartz Building
Access Legislation Building Code Enforcement............ Nagassar Ramgarib City
Governance &City Charter Congress
Platform....................... Richard Hellenbrecht Co-ops
& Condos...................................... Marc Haken Creedmoor
Task Force
Development Environmental
Infrastructure Finance
& Budget ...................................... James Trent Government
Capital & Expense Budget.... James Walsh Health/Hospitals
& Social Services Higher
Education................................... Kevin Forrestal Newsletter
& PR......................................... David Kulick Nominations................................................
Helene Zaro Olympics
2012...................................... Norm Silverman Parks
& Cultural Public
Education..................................... Edwin Westley Public
Safety.......................................... Mary
Anderson Sanitation..............................................
Kenneth Cohen Tenants.................................................
Florence Fisher Transportation,
Mass Transit & Roads Workshops...............................................
Robert Harris Zoning
& Planning................................. Paul Graziano Queens
and New York City require a land use policy based on community input and review,
and reflecting the availability of city services and infrastructure.
Such a policy is essential to preserve and enhance the fundamental
character of the city’s neighborhoods. Planning
must be sufficiently flexible to respond to demographic and environmental
dynamics by creating new opportunities for the orderly development of housing,
business, and community facilities. Zoning
maps and text must keep pace with new building, construction and signage
technologies. Queens, with only
four historic districts and few designated landmark buildings, faces the rapid
loss of its architectural legacy. Recognizing
the inherently commercial nature of concessions, large-scale concessions in
parks and other public spaces must be strictly limited by rules for Major
Concessions as mandated by the City Charter.
The Landmarks Commission must focus its attention on
Queens to preserve our unique and important architectural heritage. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Provide for community input and review and legislative oversight of major
residential, commercial, industrial and public developments, even where ULURP is
not specifically applicable. 2.
Create additional contextual districts to protect existing residential
configurations, density and uses not reflected in existing zoning districts.
For example, there is no zone which adequately describes and protects
single-family row houses. 3.
Provide technical assistance to community based organizations for
neighborhood-based planning. 4.
Support long-term planning as a means of preserving and enhancing the
physical character and stability of neighborhoods.
Establish urban design elements as part of the land use decision-making
process. 6.
Map large-scale retail uses only in districts appropriately zoned: and
subject any siting of "big box" retail establishments to community
input and review and legislative oversight. 7.
Mandate community review of publicly funded (federal, state and city)
agencies' major proposals, not already subjected to ULURP. 8.
Fund borough-based offices to perform planning functions and zoning for
the borough. 9.
Include in all land use decisions a non-renewable effective date for the
implementation of the permitted action. 10.
Require any amended plan or proposal by public agencies to include an
updated environmental impact statement. 11.
Require legislative review and oversight of Board of Standards and
Appeals decisions to grant variances. 12.
Subject all construction projects funded by state entities to ULURP. 13.
Retain the existing limits on the transfer of development rights as
provided for in the Zoning Resolution, i.e. limiting the transfer of unused air
right allowances from one site only to an adjacent or shared lot. 14.
Require a Special Permit and review under ULURP for zoning lot mergers.
Increase planning staff of agencies that make land use policy
determinations. 16.
Provide community boards with at least ninety days’ notice for all land
use applications. 17.
Correct through legislation the 1961 Zoning Resolution's definition of
basement and cellar space as it applies to calculations in determining a
building's FAR. The Court of
Appeals in 1997 overturned the DOB and BSA interpretation that basements used
for dwelling space must be included in the total FAR. 18.
Eliminate the FAR exemption for mechanical/utility floor space. 19.
Revise Major Concessions Rules (see Parks section). 20.
Urge continued cooperation among public officials and agencies to
implement the Queens Civic Congress Master Plan for the Creedmoor campus, in
addition to the already approved siting and construction of three new public
schools. 21.
Create new zoning text amendments to meet unanticipated needs resulting
from new building technologies and new products offered by the housing and
construction industry. 22.
Create new zoning text amendments to regulate signage, building masks and
other new signage technologies that increasingly degrade the urban landscape. 23.
Ban all Billboards. 24.
Clarify and improve zoning text with regard to use groups. 25.
Landmarks Commission to work with Queens civics in identifying and designating
individual buildings, historic districts and scenic landmark districts. 26. Require the Landmarks Commission to provide a written response for declining an application for landmark designation by a neighborhood. 27.
Enhance staffing, technical and legal support for the Landmarks
Commission. 28.
Eliminate in-fill bonus in R4 and R5 districts. 29.
Subject all City Planning Commission (ULURP) decisions to mandatory
legislative review. 30.
Require a rear yard of no less than 20 feet on all R1 through R3 corner
lots and all lots currently exempt from the usual rear yard regulations. 31.
Require the Department of City Planning to notify community boards of all
R-4 and R-5 zoning districts within their areas.
Require Department of City Planning to assist community boards in
redesignating these areas to more appropriate contextual districts. 32.
Ban front yard parking in all R1 through R5 zoning districts. 33.
Require front yard alignment with houses on the block in all R1 through
R4 districts. 34.
Modify Zoning Resolution to regulate fencing in R1 through R4 districts. 35.
Correct the Zoning Resolution to meet the Raritan Court of Appeals
decision on the definition of the basement/cellar rule. 36.
Call upon the U.S. Congress to repeal the provision on zoning of
religious facilities that usurps the authority of local government. 37.
Improve the opportunity for community input and review and provide
accountability in the siting of state-licensed group homes, also known as
community residences, by amending state law to require the state agency which
licenses the proposed facility in a community to: ILLEGAL
illegal conversion, or adding of apartments in existing housing in excess of the
established zoning and use group regulations, persists as a major quality of
life problem in Queens, and more importantly the deaths and injuries that result
from fires and building collapses make clear the need to assure the public
safety of those who reside in or visit homes that we expect to be safe.
Throughout Queens illegal conversions continue unabated as the City
reduced staffing levels at the Department of Buildings (DOB) and Housing
Preservation and Development (HPD) in response to financial difficulties in the
late '70's and early '90's. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Seek prompt and
decisive action by the City against illegal apartments, single room occupancies
and inappropriate commercial uses in residential buildings.
inspection and enforcement by the city DOB and HPD to achieve compliance. 3.
Re-inspect all
violations until there is compliance.
Maintain in an
open status all Building and Housing complaints until physical site inspection
is conducted. 5.
Mandate the
Buildings Department to require applicants to cure all outstanding violations
before approval of any new-building permit or alteration permit. 6.
Enforce enacted
state legislation to increase inspectors’ access to buildings with suspected
violations (S. 6084) and to allow the filing of tax liens (S. 3597A) on unpaid
Environmental Control Board (ECB) fines -- i.e. to allow ECB to assess fines and
other liens that can be converted to tax liens and potentially result in seizure
of property. 7.
legislation to authorize building inspector access to investigate illegal
building violations in a dwelling. 8.
Mandate DOB and
HPD to allow community participation in inspections. 9.
Require that DOB
dedicate at least one full-time inspector to each community board as a regular
point of contact on buildings issues, inspections and follow-ups, with no less
than two full days per month in the assigned district or as necessary to meet
residents' complaints. 10.
Establish a
multi-agency task force to coordinate services among the fire, buildings
department and other agencies, to report directly to the office of the mayor.
Establish a
program to educate and inform new and established homeowners of relevant
building codes and zoning laws and fines for noncompliance.
Require the
Police Department to assist and cooperate with the Buildings Department to
enforce stop work orders. 13.
self-certification for new building or alteration permits and the correction of
violations. 14.
quarterly building inspections of all multiple dwellings by DOB and HPD. 15.
registration of restrictive deed covenants with the DOB.
Require title searches to identify and report restrictive covenants to
the purchaser and financial institution. 16.
Empower the
Department of Buildings to enforce deed restrictions limiting use, density,
yards and architectural elements. 17.
Restrict the
size of “For Sale” signs in R1
through R6 from a maximum of 12 square feet to 4 square feet. 18.
Ban “Sold”
signs or display of “For Sale” signs on residential property after closing. 19.
Dedicate all DOB
and HPD revenue from fees for inspections, applications and permits, and fines
to a special fund for code and safety enforcement. 20. Continue to require utility companies to obtain verification of Building Department approved permits prior to installation of additional gas or electric meters or increased amperage service. 21.
Support legislative initiatives (S.
6102) to require real estate brokers to verify local zoning compliance on any
property listed for sale or lease and encourage recent mortgage broker/banker
initiatives requiring buyer/seller certification of zoning compliance prior to
loan approvals. 22.
the efforts of the State Attorney General to restore the non-solicitation law,
which was found to be invalid by a lower court in the state. As-of-right
is not always right. The New
York City Zoning Resolution defines many religious, medical and professional
operations as "community facilities" and permits their siting in any
zoning district as-of-right. Substantial
changes in uses of community facility since 1961 adversely affect many
neighborhoods. Religious
facilities, for example, increasingly hold events and turn to commercial uses to
try to cover increasing operating costs, bringing extra traffic, noise, parking
and congestion into otherwise quiet neighborhoods.
Houses of worship occupy private homes in residential areas, often
without adequate parking, necessary handicapped access and emergency egress.
"Professional offices" originally included under this category
aimed to provide communities with medical doctors, dentists or lawyers who lived
there and dedicated a small walk-in office to provide services to local clients.
More recently, residential neighborhoods experience the conversion of
private houses to use by multiple professionals with substantial clinical
practices. Publicly
and privately supported community facilities pose potential disruptions to our
neighborhoods. Communities must be
able to comment, evaluate and review the siting and operations of these entities. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Subject the
siting, scoping and sponsoring of publicly funded facilities to ULURP
regulations as a non-conforming use. 2.
Base the siting of facilities on the need for the proposed service in the
community. 3.
Require the sponsoring federal, state or city agency to notify all
elected officials, community boards and community-based civic organizations and
neighborhood groups coincidentally with the promulgation of the Request for
Proposal. Mandate that public
notice must appear at the same time in community newspapers that circulate in
the affected neighborhood(s). 4.
Require, coinciding with the issuance of the initial Request for
Proposal, full disclosure by the sponsoring federal, state or city agency and by
any provider responding to the RFP: a)
verification of need in a sited neighborhood.
alternative sites. c)
choice of providers. d)
terms of the contract (including length). e)
establishment of a Community Compliance Review Board.
full financial disclosure by the provider.
g) environmental impact statement. 5. Rate
objectively the effectiveness and impact on the community of any proposed
program. 6.
Create repository for public comment on facilities at NYC Department of
Consumer Affairs. 7.
Eliminate the community facilities bulk bonus in residential districts. 8.
Require community facilities to obtain special permits when they seek to
site in residential districts -- subject to public review with legislative
oversight. 9.
Impose parking requirements for all community facilities regardless of
the zone, predicated on occupancy rather than the number of fixed seats. 10.
Apply the Internal Revenue Code with respect to accessory uses on
community facilities. 11.
Require Department of Buildings review of any change in use of a
community facility to determine continued eligibility for community facility
bonuses or exemptions. School funding primarily
concerns the Queens Civic Congress. City and State budget cuts require the
Chancellor to cut out approximately $1 billion for the 2002-2003 school year.
This is serious money to find without affecting our children in the
classroom. New
York City schools serve 38% of the New York State school population and receives
36% of the budget. The Governor and our Legislative leaders must develop a fair
financing plan. The 2000 census demonstrated a 14% increase in Queens County,
which must be taken into account in developing the state budget. Over
the last year, modest progress was made in building new schools and making
additions to existing schools for Queens, including: completed construction of
two new schools and four school additions, and twelve new schools and seven
school additions in construction. The QCC finds after school
programs vitally important because 26% of our
students come from single-parent households, and 40 % from households where both
parents work outside the home. The most recent statistics demonstrate our
students get into trouble between the hours of 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. The
QCC supports Borough President Helen Marshall in making education a top
priority. Education in our borough offers an example of what can be done when
teachers, parents, administrators, community leaders, and children work
together. Overall
education funding needs to rise to a level that ensures our children receive the
best education possible. Take care
to ensure that no cuts in education reach schools and classrooms. All analyses
of educational outcomes show better results with smaller classes and when
programs in music, sports, and the arts are added. Monies anticipated as a
result of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity lawsuit must supplement, not replace,
any current funding. Limited funds to build schools make it imperative to work
to site them where needed. Therefore, the Queens Civic Congress
adopts the following: 1.
Implement a fair New York State financing plan. We
agree with Governor George Pataki, "throw out the existing school aid
formula and to achieve equity." The state must drop its appeal of State
Supreme Court Justice Leland DeGrasse decision declaring the state's school
funding system inequitable and unconstitutional. New York City schools serve 38%
of the NYS school population and receive 36% of the budget. The Governor and our
Legislative leaders must develop a fair financing plan. The 2000 Census
demonstrated a 14% population increase in Queens county, which must be taken
into account in developing the state budget. 2.
Reduce school overcrowding by building new schools. The
following information has been extracted from two reports prepared by the New
York City School Construction Authority. The ‘Extent of Completion Report’
January 2002, and the ‘Line Project Status Report’ status as of December 31,
2001, show these results for Queens: two new schools completed
construction, (one Early Childhood Center (ECC) and one Primary school); twelve
new schools in construction (two ECC; six Primary, two Intermediate, and two
High Schools); four Primary school additions completed and four in construction;
and additions to three Intermediate schools also in construction. (See Appendix for District and school breakout.) 3.
Increase the capacity by staggering the school year. a.)
Quoting from, 'You're Blocking My View!', a report on Year-Round
Education and the Crisis of Overcrowding issued by the Year-Round Education Task
Force, chaired by our own Terrie Thomson, Queens Board of Education
Representative "...mission was to explore and assess the feasibility of
year-round education in New York City high schools to reduce the impact of
overcrowding on student achievement. In overcrowded schools, academic schedules
are reduced to six classes from the state mandated minimum of seven thereby
compromising a full academic schedule." Queens high schools have the highest utilization rate 128%.
"The Task Force decided that it would propose a program that ran in all
newly constructed high schools funded by the City's five-year capital plan, and
that these be schools of choice." b.)
The above proposal is a start and must be implemented, and used as a
model for all overcrowded primary schools, intermediate schools, and high
schools. 4.
Implement a robust pre-Kindergarten program in each school district All
the studies indicate our children are better students and better citizens the
earlier they begin the education process. Any parent of a four year old will
tell you how their children absorbed all of their experiences. Early Childhood
Centers are a no-brainer and we must carry out the State mandate to implement in
each school district. 5.
Reform School Governance a.)
the Central Board of Education
- The Chancellor can effectively carry out every necessary function of
the board. He/She is the Commissioner of Education for New York City. As the
citywide authority, the Chancellor’s office is responsible for: ensuring that
each borough meets the New York State education standards, citywide governance,
labor relations, legal services, transportation, food services, procurement, and
employee licensing and the administration of salary and employee benefits. The
Chancellor appoints a citywide chief Financial Officer. The Chancellor appoints
a borough Superintendent for each of the boroughs, and meets on at least a
monthly basis with each. Each quarter the meetings are open to the public
pursuant to the open meetings law. b.)
- The mayor submits his candidate to the City Council for confirmation. c.)
the Local Community School Boards -
Community school boards have not met the promise envisioned under the State’s
Decentralization Law and community involvement may be realized more effectively
at the school level through leadership teams. d.)
Establish Borough School
Superintendents - Each shall be responsible for all pre-K, elementary,
middle/junior high and high schools (including specialized and alternative
schools), citywide special education programs, and adult and continuing
education. This will facilitate programs that meet the basic needs of boroughs
and their neighborhoods. The
Chancellor shall establish the criteria for borough financial officers. Each
borough superintendent, subject to the Chancellor’s approval, shall appoint
borough financial officers. Each borough Superintendent shall select all
supervisors from district managers to principals, educational administrators,
supervisors of special education and assistant principals. e.)
School Funding
- The allocation of funds to the boroughs and schools shall be per capita,
according to the program and the number of eligible students. The Mayor and the
City Council shall allocate funds to the programs based on units of appropriation
set by the Chancellor. 6.
Increase Teacher Salaries Teacher salaries must reflect the fair market value within the New York metropolitan area. 7.
Implement the building-by-building maintenance plan. Capital
Improvement Projects (CIPs) are included in sections three through five of the
Extent of Completion Report issued quarterly by the New York City School
Construction Authority. CIPs include roof and boiler replacements, electrical
work, security systems, room conversions, and transportable classrooms. All coal
burning boilers in Queens have been converted to gas/oil. 8.
the implementation of school-based management… Each
school should have assembled a school leadership team composed of parents,
teachers, administrators, school staff and students. Their two core
responsibilities are the creation of the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan
(CE) and the Development of a School-Based Budget and Staffing Plan. 9.
Expand the Beacon Program to include all schools within the district,
thereby encouraging youth programs in each neighborhood; provide oversight to
ensure the program delivers services identified and needed by the community. The
city must ultimately plan to open more neighborhood schools at night and on
weekends for youth programs. Queens needs this because Beacons tend to be
separated by great distances. 10.
Expand Computer usage and training in schools, provide well-trained
computer instructors. 11.
Reduce class sizes to levels appropriate in each grade and student
grouping and restore all arts, music, sports and extracurricular programs. 12.
End social promotion at every grade level. 13.
Encourage the development of vocational apprenticeship, based on a model
that will teach those students with an aptitude and preference for skilled
crafts. 14.
Fund classroom and school-based services before administrative costs. 15.
Enforce immunization requirements.
Parks and recreational facilities
are among the most important quality of life programs of any community,
particularly in Queens County. Parks
are irreplaceable assets. The
long-term viability of parks in Queens has become increasingly under attack due
to significant reductions in professional maintenance and upkeep at Parks
facilities and on trees along our thoroughfares throughout the borough. Deferred
maintenance and use of non-professional maintenance workers will eventually lead
to a complete breakdown of Parks services.
The City fails to adequately fund the Department to deliver horticulture
and Forestry Services and to staff sufficient plumbers, masons, carpenters, etc.
The City needs to allocate all parks-based revenues to the Department of
Parks and Recreation operation budget. The Parks Department has conducted
major capital programs to improve parks and has not followed-through with
maintenance and support services to protect the investment.
In addition, as the borough with the largest amount of natural area,
Queens has the most to lose from a policy of only maintaining the ball fields
and playgrounds at its parks. Given
the extensive residential and commercial development of Queens, it is crucial
that we protect in every way possible the current and potential parklands
throughout the borough. Queens contains many lovely parks
and greenways that must be protected from natural deterioration, vandalism and
changes in use of open areas due to a variety of factors.
Our Parks are particularly vulnerable properties, which repeatedly
attract proposals that may harm these precious resources. Therefore, the Queens Civic Congress adopts the following:
Authorize the Department of Parks
and Recreation to retain funding generated by Park properties. 2.
Establish a secure funding source for Greenways for the Queens area. 3.
Create a CompStat for parks that will provide the public with regular,
accessible measurements of maintenance and operation of all 1,700 Parks
Department properties. 4.
Enforce vendors' permit requirements in parks to control illegal vendors. 5.
Maintain graffiti-free parks and playgrounds. 6.
Remove and replace dead trees within 6 months, prune trees on a five-year
cycle and plant at least 25,000 trees citywide per year. 7.
Fund the Forestry Division so that it can oversee the city’s urban
forest. 8.
Improve parks’ physical plant a)
maintenance, security and repair services at Parks; b)
plant life, nature trails; c)
recreational/educational programs and services. 9. Strictly limit Major Concessions in Parks – Repeal the 1998 Rules for Major Concessions and create new ones that establish realistic triggers for public review, such as: a)
Marinas; b)
Parking lots of any size; c)
New buildings of more than 10,000 square feet -- not in parks; d)
New buildings of more than 5,000 square feet -- in parks; e)
Open use in park -- 5,000 square feet; f)
Restaurant -- 150 seats or more; g)
One or more concession totaling 25% of one park. 10. Hire
sufficient professional employees to maintain the NYC Parks infrastructure. 11. Establish
a Parks budget line item for the maintenance for natural open spaces. 12.
Support the Flushing Meadows-Corona
Park conservancy. 13. Protect
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park from any further commercial and corporate exploitation. 14.
Impose a moratorium on all new
construction/development of non-public-benefit projects in Flushing
Meadows-Corona Park pending completion of a Master Plan by a Commission that has
public members. 15.
Oppose constructing a rowing regatta
and a white water rafting center in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park for Olympic
events. 16.
Oppose constructing an Olympic Village
to house athletes at Queens West in Long Island City. 17.
Subject use of city parks for 2012
Olympic events to ULURP. 18. Establish
“Flagship” designation for the Alley Pond Regional Watershed Park and seek
community input. 19. Designate
major parks in Queens as flagship parks. 20. Preserve Fort Totten - This beautiful and historic area has become available due to reduced need as a military installation by the federal government. We must protect this property for use of future Queens residents by: a)
restrictive covenant for the reversion of any Fort Totten space exclusively to
Parks Department for public use if the space is no longer required by Fire
Department for educational purposes. b)
space available for use by community not-for-profit organizations to 14
buildings. 21.
Require specificity in the Fire
Department’s agreement concerning maintenance of Fort open areas by Parks.
Fire and Parks Departments must have nontransferable line item budgets
for this maintenance and upkeep. We have witnessed a significant
reduction in crime across the City. Three
factors remain of great concern to the Congress: lack of community policing;
inadequate response time to 911 emergency calls; and deteriorating public
confidence in the NYPD, particularly among our diverse ethnic communities. The response time of the Fire
Department’s Emergency Medical Service has not improved.
Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Bring Queens precinct staffing to Safe Street/Safe Cities
levels and maintain those levels. 2.
Increase the percentage of uniformed police in Queens to match
the citywide percentage of crimes. We
have 19% of the manpower, but 25% of the crime in the city. 3.
Restore and increase police staff assigned to precinct-based
Community Patrol. 4.
Bring all Queens precincts to less than seven minute response
time. 5.
Increase NYPD Budget allocation to purchase more RMPs (radio
motor patrol vehicles), Unmarked and Nondescript Vehicles.
Keep the present practice of keeping cars for three years, i.e. 90,000
miles. 6.
Increase allocation of RMPs to outlying precincts. 7.
Increase emphasis on auto theft, robberies and burglaries,
apprehension and prevention. 8.
Work with community groups for a graffiti-free environment,
increase penalties for defacing property and pass a law to require property
owners to allow the city or city-authorized groups to cleanup defaced private
property (draft proposal available). 9.
Continue the police bicycle surveillance program with tax
payer supported equipment and maintenance. 10.
Require NYPD to enforce Department of Buildings and Housing
Preservation and Development stop work orders and assist with the service of
violations and inspections. 11.
the Civilian Complaint Review Board and re-engineer it as an independent NYPD
monitor with its budget set as a percent of the NYPD budget. 12.
Maintain existing Emergency Medical Service ambulance tours
and encourage as many additional voluntary ambulance tours to enhance emergency
response. 13.
Enforce training and performance standards for voluntary
ambulance groups used by the Fire Department. 14.
Require contracted ambulance service to utilize the nearest
medical facilities. 15.
Develop and implement a true community policing program to
engage the resources of concerned communities in a partnership with the NYPD to
address crime and disorder, including quality of life problems, in each
precinct. 16.
Implement a plan to reduce gun violence, also supported by the
Million Mom March Queens Chapter: Deploy cops appropriately to take guns off the
street and prevent illegal guns from finding their way here, without violating
one's rights or worse; Advocate the strengthened "Christopher’s Law"
requirement for handgun safety locks on all firearms at the federal level;
Require reporting -- in the Mayor’s Management Report -- on gun safety and
enforcement measures; National photo licensing and safety testing for handgun
buyers; National registration of
all handguns; More gun case prosecutions by the U.S Attorneys under tougher
Federal statutes; Prosecute gun
cases under federal law by empowering Assistant District Attorneys, by special
designation as federal prosecutors by U.S. Attorneys; and Initiate and pursue
lawsuits against gunmakers. TRANSPORTATION
recognize the importance of Kennedy International and LaGuardia Airports to the
convenience and economic vitality of the borough and city.
However, we must control and curtail the negative impact of both noise
and pollution stemming from the aircraft activity at the two Queens airports,
and abort the harsh, often unbearable sufferings of residents nearby to these
facilities. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Oppose the weakening or termination of the High Density Rule, as well as
additional exemptions as permitted in the Aviation Investment and Reform Act for
the 21st Century (AIR 21) enacted in April 2000.
Call for a rollback of the additional flights (slots) at LaGuardia
Airport to below the levels preceding the enactment of AIR 21.
Call for the re-allocation of existing slots, not new slots, for greater
efficiencies and to meet current needs, and to set statutory limitations on the
number of operations at New York metropolitan airports.
Call for the restriction of all flights, scheduled and unscheduled
(except emergency operations) to the hours of 7 am to 11 pm. 5.
Improve noise abatement procedures, including an immediate ban on flights
by any Stage2 commercial jetliners equipped with “hush kits,” which have no
effect on noise or pollution reduction. 6.
Call for a change in take-off frequency from every 58 seconds to a much
wider time interval to attenuate the unremitting jet-noise created by the
“high density rule”, to a much wider time interval to attenuate the
unremitting jet noise it created. 7.
Establish and enforce formal accountability by the Port Authority and the
Federal Aviation Administration to the Environmental Protection Administration
and independent citizen representation. Reinstate
and strengthen enforcement of the Quiet Communities Act of 1978 and the Noise
Control Act of 1972. 8.
Reduce immediately the effects on human mental and physical health and to
the environment of aircraft noise and pollution from jet exhaust and the dumping
of jet fuel. 9.
Call for the installation of air-sensing devices on the Queens side of
runaway 13/31 at LaGuardia Airport to supplement those being installed in a
controlled test by the State of New York’s Health Department in the South
Bronx. 10.
Adjust flight schedules to more evenly spread aircraft noise among the
communities. Adjust the
distribution of flights off LaGuardia's runway 13, since northeast Queens
endures 95 percent of the take-offs at LaGuardia. 11.
Require aircraft landing and taking off at Kennedy or LaGuardia Airports
to use flight paths over water, parks or highways when practical. 12.
Subject any disposition of an airport by sale, lease, transfer or license
agreement to approval by the City Council. 13. Subject any management contract covering an airport to approval by the City Council. TRANSPORTATION -
agree to the need for an alternative efficient mode of access to and from
Kennedy International and LaGuardia Airports and Manhattan.
However, the current plan for the “AirTrain” Light Rail Airport
Access System as adopted by The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
fails to provide a one-seat ride from the airport to Manhattan and does not meet
the needs of airline travelers for efficiency, comfort and affordability, or
reduce vehicular traffic congestion and air pollution to any significant degree.
Nor does the Port Authority’s own evaluation of ridership estimates in
relation to planned costs justify this costly spur to the Jamaica Long Island
Rail Road station. The project alignment has
rendered significant harm to the many communities in its path and has created an
ugly blight on Queens neighborhoods and will bring harm for many decades to
come. As importantly, its design
and construction features will not be compatible with existing or future rail
systems and technology, thereby rendering it wasteful and unnecessarily costly
for any eventual incorporation into a one-seat ride system.
The proposal for access to LaGuardia by means of the Astoria line will
have a devastating impact on communities through which it passes.
In addition, the proposal does not provide an attractive one-seat ride to
Manhattan. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Direct one-seat rail access must be provided to both Kennedy
International and LaGuardia Airports that will be seamless, accessible,
comfortable and affordable with greater efficiencies. Our responsible borough,
city and state officials must see to it that the projects go forward in a
careful, responsible manner that minimizes harm to communities.
Cut and cover, sound barriers and all available technologies should be
employed to preserve and enhance the neighborhoods that are home to tens of
thousands of Queens residents. 2. Subject
such projects to community input and review. 3. Call for a direct route to LaGuardia Airport via the Port
Washington line of the Long Island Rail Road, which will have a minimal impact
on communities.
is a borough of over 2 million residents, encompassing scores of communities.
Queens' transportation infrastructure is the life-line that binds the
neighborhoods of the communities of our borough together.
It links Queens residents with jobs, services and activities both inside
and outside the borough. Providing
fast, accessible transportation for residents of the borough is critical to our
economic, educational, cultural and social success.
Our economy is highly dependent on efficient transportation.
Should commuting become difficult, individuals and companies will seek
housing and economic opportunities elsewhere.
in our borough includes both mass transit, primarily subways and buses and to a
lesser extent, the Long Island Rail Road, and vehicular transportation, i.e. our
local streets and roads and arterial highways, expressways, bridges and tunnels.
Private bus companies, using City-owned facilities and buses, operate
many local and express routes in Queens. The train
and bus service cuts sustained in the mid-1990's have somewhat been restored,
but the growth in ridership has resulted in continued overcrowding, discomfort
and inconvenience to riders. Proposals to close subway token booths would
increase security risks to all riders and would impose a particular hardship on
elderly, the disabled and parents with young children.
Planning and funding for capital projects to expand capacity is at best tenuous. Each of these transportation modes has separate needs. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: Mass
Transit Issues 1.
Provide Queens commuters a more clean, comfortable, dependable and speedy
trip to and from work. Apply
Metropolitan Transportation Authority budget to increase mass transit service. 2.
Establish a citywide Surface Transit Authority to coordinate interborough
operations, improve surface transportation, ensure a meaningful community role
in project and operations planning and improve scheduling. 3.
Construct the long-promised 2nd Avenue subway line as a 4-track system,
connecting with the Bronx, along the entire spine of Manhattan, into Brooklyn
and extending into southeast Queens. a.)
a new connector to Queens via the 63rd Street tunnel to meet the needs of Queens
residents destined to the east side of Manhattan. b.)
construction of the Long Island Rail Road downtown Manhattan connection and a
new connection to Grand Central Terminal so that the tens of thousands of
eastern Queens and Long Island commuters who use the Long Island Rail Road going
to the east side and to lower Manhattan may enjoy more convenient access. c.)
construction of the full-length 2nd Avenue line a priority before other major
investments such as a 7 line extension to the far West Side of Manhattan. 4. Call on MTA New York City Transit to revise its plans 63rd Street Tunnel Service Plan implemented on 12/16/2001, which generates numerous rider complaints from both the Brooklyn and Queens communities, to the Service Options jointly proposed by QCC, Noble Street Block Association & Friends and Regional Plan Association to restore the pre-existing E, F (operating through the 53rd Street tunnel), G (to Forest Hills) & R service routes and run the V trains instead through the 63rd Street Tunnel as a Broadway express until the opening of the Second Avenue line, when the V trains will eventually enter the Second Avenue Subway upon its completion. 5.
Call on The Long Island Rail Road to increase marketing of its service to
Queens residents, review prospects for re-use of abandoned and underused service
lines in Queens and must complete a marketing study before recommending or
implementing any further station closings in Queens. 6.
on the MTA New York City Transit
to abandon its proposal of a three-year
plan to eliminate all token booths and clerks with MetroCard machines and
turnstiles from the New York City subway system, and its further proposal to
begin this process by closing 53 booths.
Call on MTA New York City Transit
to honor judge Lebedeff's decision, which
stated that these alterations constitute a significant change in access to
subway service, for which the NYCTA is required" (i) to give public,
including notice to affected community boards, (ii) to conduct a public hearing,
and (iii) to obtain the approval of its board, all as specified in Section
1205(5) of the Public Authorities Law."
Call on MTA New York City Transit to provide convenient, street level MetroCard
outlets for seniors and people with disabilities since MetroCard service is
currently provided only at subway station booths reached by staircases or at
off-street retail locations, barring access by the physically disabled and
seniors. 9.
Enforce the three-minute rule for idling buses. 10. Require transportation agencies to give at least 90 days notice to community boards, community organizations and affected institutions before implementing changes, modifications or removal of bus routes, bus stops and service delivery. 11.
Call on MTA New York City Transit and the N.Y.C. Department of
Transportation to reconfigure Queens bus routes, many of which were laid out
more than a half century ago, to reflect changing residential, commercial,
business, cultural and industrial needs. Require public review of proposed route
changes. Vehicular
Transportation Issues 1. Require New York State and New York City to control and reduce ever-expanding trucking and commercial vehicular traffic that is clogging our streets and highways producing insufferable pollution. Freight transportation alternatives must be developed, such as the proposed rail freight tunnel from Brooklyn under New York Harbor. 2.
Control and reduce illegal and perilous truck and commercial vehicular
traffic on Queens’ local streets through meaningful policing and environmental
enforcement. 3.
Require the MTA New York City Transit and all public and private surface
operators to purchase exclusively buses that use non-polluting fuels,
commensurate with standards applicable to Nassau and Suffolk counties. 4.
Create new and revise, where applicable, existing bus routes to provide
one-seat cross-borough surface transit. 5.
Limit the contractual term of private bus franchises to two years.
Open private bus franchises to competitive bidding, including a
requirement that existing labor force receive a preference in employment, as
required by New York City charter. Competitive bidding will no doubt
result in improved service and public responsiveness, even if incumbent
companies retain 6.
Study the feasibility of MTA New York City Transit takeover of private
bus routes. 7.
Expand use of EZ-Pass for paying municipal parking lot fees and install
EZ-Pass scanners in all lanes, including manned lanes at MTA Bridges and Tunnels
facilities. 8.
Enact legislation to protect the privacy of EZ-Pass users and bar the use
of EZ-Pass for monitoring or enforcing speeding and other traffic infractions or
for tracking vehicular use. Enact
legislation to set standards for law enforcement agencies or others seeking EZ-Pass
data that would require a judicial subpoena. 9.
Implement variable congestion pricing tunnel and bridge tolls based on
time of a day use, particularly featuring off-hour discounts for travelers and
truckers in order to relieve prime travel time delays 10.
Maintain free use of all non-TBTA East River and Harlem River bridges for
all city residents. 11.
Create safe cycling routes to encourage less reliance on fossil-fueled
vehicles and to enhance the quality of life of Queens citizens. 12.
Oppose the expansion of HOV lanes in Queens, which have proven to be
ineffective in national surveys, as an imposition on the quality of life of
residents and communities in its path, with no benefit to the people of Queens. 13.
Require community board and civic association consultation and input on
the City’s determination of truck routes
Regulate and closely supervise city and utility work crews and private
contractors who cut open streets and roads so that remedial work is proper,
durable and long-lasting. Coordinate
roadway improvements with utilities to prevent re-opening newly restored
streets. 15.
Oppose any increase in van services as a substitute for adequate public
transportation. Queens has the second largest and best-educated labor force of all the
boroughs. Queens also has a
significant pool of available warehouse, industrial and commercial space - much
of which has been modernized and upgraded.
But the competition for office, retail and professional space and jobs
from Nassau County and other regional counties is fierce. The
lifeblood of any county is the ability to attract new businesses and to retain
existing businesses in order to create economic growth and provide job
opportunities for the local residents. Queens
has major aviation industry jobs, service sector, wholesale and retail trade
industries in its economic base. Large
tracts of vacant land or buildings in previously industrial areas and in the
Rockaways create huge opportunities for significant economic development in our
borough. Because of the impact of
large scale retail development, Economic Impact Review should be part of the
review process. Entrepreneurs
and businesses need certain incentives, in addition to access to capital and
labor, in order to start a new venture or continue an existing business. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Institute the "Downtown Manhattan Tax Credit Model" to help
neighborhood commercial shopping strips - The shopping areas in the other
boroughs should be able to use this concept of tax credit incentives. The tax credit model was successfully used in the
revitalization of downtown Manhattan to improve commercial and residential
neighborhood occupancy, and to increase utilization and enhance competitiveness
with respect to neighboring megastores and suburban malls.
Expand the sales tax exemption on apparel/footwear purchases to $500, and
include in the exemption most essential
household items. 3.
Eliminate the Unincorporated Business Tax - Entrepreneurs and
professionals continue to leave the city, particularly Queens County, for the
lure of a less taxing business tax climate of nearby suburban counties. 4.
Oppose any increase in Residential Real Estate Taxes. 5. Stabilize Water/Sewer Rates - Water/sewer rates have been going up at percentage increase two and three times the rate of inflation. This “hidden tax” is a source of revenue for the city that receives little attention and no retribution from those who have to pay it. The independent New York City Water Board has to learn to live within its means. a.
all funds generated by the Water Board to running the agency and for operating
and maintaining the City's vital water supply and sewer systems. b.
legislation to Delay Water Board Rate Setting until after City adopts its
budget. In 2001, The Assembly
unanimously passed legislation A.8496; it needs to pass it this year and the State Senate must introduce and
pass this bill. c.
Cap the
water/sewer rate increase yearly at the rate of inflation. d.
capital costs from the calculation of the rate structure. e.
capital water and sewer projects directly from the general New York City capital
budget. f.
Set up a
senior citizen water rate relief program similar to the Seniors Homeowner
Exemption on real estate taxes. Pending
legislation A.6835/ S.4027 (2001) must get passed. 6.
Eliminate the New York State gross receipts tax on our utility bills -
The gross receipts tax is a hidden tax imposed by New York State, and very few
other states, on its residents' utility bills - gas, electric and telephone.
The gross receipts tax contributes to New York State's being one of the
highest energy cost states in the country, raising about $1 billion for the
state coffers. While the state has begun to phase this tax out, under the
present scenario it will be years before it is eliminated.
Furthermore, the deregulation of utilities will draw out-of-state
competitors, which are exempt from this tax.
These utilities will be able to offer lower rates than our native
utilities. It is time to eliminate
the residential and commercial gross receipts tax in this legislative session.
Eliminate the New York City personal income tax surcharge - New York City
is one of the only municipalities in the country that has a personal income tax,
much less a surcharge on top of that. This onerous tax add-on was imposed
temporarily during financial crisis in order to meet City obligations. We must immediately remove the personal income tax surcharge
and lower the City's personal income tax to retain the middle-class tax base in
the City. 8.
Index to
COLA the income eligibility limits for the Senior Citizen 9.
Implement Co-op and Condo Property Tax reform without shifting any burden
to owners of one, two or three family homes. 10.
Capture upwards of one billion dollars in lost real estate tax revenue
based on illegal uses and improper property classifications through a
combination of fines and improvements in the classification of real property. 11.
Develop an affordable housing plan to create a mix of 150,000 units over
ten years, including low (working poor), moderate and middle income and senior
housing and preserve (existing) Mitchell-Lama and FHA 236 buildings by
leveraging private and non-profit resources through a re-allocation of existing
housing development funds. With the closure of the Fresh Kills
Landfill (Staten Island), all New Yorkers must share equally and fairly in the
challenges of disposing of the city's waste.
A major step happened with implementation of weekly collection of
recyclables in Queens. New York City also requires stronger actions to protect the City's
supply of clean drinking water. Therefore, Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Meet and implement the City
Council's waste recycling law mandates. 2.
Adopt a plan to dispose of the city's waste not subject to recycling. 3.
Mandate community review and notification with legislative oversight for
the siting or change in use of waste transfer stations. 4.
Restore street trash collection and cleaning of street trash receptacles. 5.
Increase frequency of collections, particularly to schools and commercial
litter baskets. 6.
Strictly enforce Department of Sanitation codes in both residential and
commercial districts. 7.
Create Community District Sanitation Councils similar to precinct
community councils, which would provide an opportunity for problem resolution
and coordination of operations. 8.
Oppose any increase in recycling fines for homeowners and tenants from
the current $25.00 9. Increase frequency of Yard Waste collection. 10. Introduce bottle and can buybacks centers. 11.
Oppose any cutbacks in the City’s recycling program. 12.
Establish City and state programs to require the purchase and use of "Clean
Air" school buses, taxis, all MTA and private buses, emergency and heavy
duty (i.e. Sanitation) vehicles and look at similar programs to apply to fleet
vehicles and freight haulers that travel local NYC streets, and establish clean
fuel stations accessible to the public and private fleet vehicles and taxis.
Enact legislation needed to protect the New York City Watershed with the
following elements: A Comprehensive Watershed and Delivery System Management
Plan covering the Catskill, Delaware, Croton and Brooklyn/Queens aquifer
watersheds; An Annual Watershed Survey and Review of Rules and Regulations and
Agreements on Watershed Protection; Reform of Personnel to Protect the Watershed
and Water Supply and A Water Conservation Plan. 14.
Oppose the introduction of former Jamaica Water Supply water into the New York
City water system. 15.
Take immediate steps to reduce the effects of aircraft noise and pollution from
jet exhaust and the dumping of jet fuel. The issue is clear for Queens: the
Borough must establish a plan for a "World Class" standard of patient
care for all Borough residents. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Execute the plan to put emergency service ambulance garages in
local communities. 2.
Oppose the disposition or changes of use of any Health and
Hospitals Corporation real property without community participation and review. 3.
Require prior notification before aerial and street spraying. 4.
adequate healthcare in every neighborhood.
In particular, Southeast Queens is seriously underserved by hospitals,
requiring lengthy travel to get to full-service health centers. 5.
areas where toxic chemicals may cause a hazard to present or future habitation.
For example, in Southeast Queens heavy concentrations of PERC at the
former Westside Corporation site and in Northeast Queens in the New Hyde Park
area a recently discovered industrial chemical dump-site in Nassau County both
pose potential groundwater and surface contamination only yards from populous
Queens neighborhoods. 6.
available State data on incidences of various types of cancer to determine if
there are, and what causes cancer “hotspots,” so that appropriate warnings
can be communicated. CITY GOVERNANCE
& CITY BUDGET/FISCAL POLICY Budget & Fiscal Policy We recognize a need to reform once and for all many city
fiscal policies that contribute to annual budget crises, capital budget
construction delays and cost increases.
Thus, we find that New York City needs a strategic budget plan that addresses the enormous
current and projected deficits and borrowing that limit the ability of current
and future Mayors to provide essential services to New Yorkers.
York City needs to introduce real discipline into its budgeting process.
New York City must require its agencies to justify service delivery
options and program. Budgeting
for the delivery of city services where appropriate by borough and community
district, rather than the centralized approach to decision-making, introduces
flexibility and efficiencies. It
directs services based on need and an understanding that all communities will
receive a fair share of services and programs, just not necessarily the same mix
of services and programs. A
review of long and short-term capital budget financing issues indicates a need
exists to develop a longer-term city capital plan that makes sense. The current four and five year plans (four years for the city
capital budget; five for the Board of Education) fail to address actual spending
capabilities and might not adequately reflect neighborhood needs and priorities.
A longer-term debt-financing plan would supplement the strategy to
provide needed additional capital financing.
This would serve to identify the City's real debt needs based on its real
ability to advance projects, once initiated for funding (inclusion in the
"capital commitment plan"). It would also be a basis around which to
develop a coalition to seek federal and state funding commitments that recognize
the regional benefits of much of the City's proposed capital program. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Implement a new fiscal strategic
approach that uses budget surpluses to reduce existing debt and fund some
capital projects on a pay-as-you-go basis. 2.
Rather than mere across-the-board
spending caps, a strategic review of each year’s annual spending to be
justified rather than base-lined. 3.
Reshape New York City’s Annual Executive Expense Budget to reflect the
need to deliver services based on the varying needs of each of the five boroughs
and the diverse needs of communities. 4.
Set capital priorities by community needs and that support neighborhood
development, including a borough-by-borough grid of capital spending by agency (This also includes schools, housing, court facilities,
highways, sewers, water supply, etc.). 5.
Develop longer-term city capital plan that makes sense by outlining a Strategic
Capital Program that identifies the City's real debt needs based on its
real ability to advance projects. 6.
Develop a coalition to seek federal and state funding commitments based
on the regional benefits of much of the City's proposed capital program. 7.
Improve virtually non-existent
legislative and executive oversight of the management of the City’s capital
plan and capital projects. 8.
Pass a “Federal Brooks law"
style professional contracting law barring bid fee cuts pending in the 1998-2001
City Council. Borough Presidents We consistently have advocated a strong role for borough presidents in the governance of our city. City Charter Chapter 4, particularly section 82, clearly requires borough presidents to monitor service delivery, review all capital projects in the borough, advise the mayor on the formulation of the Preliminary and Executive Budgets, provide technical assistance to community boards, and identify the borough's strategic needs. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1. Provide the Borough President with the resources to empower each to carry out their charter functions and help New York City weather the current fiscal crisis, rather than cut the borough presidents' budget. Community
Boards The
City Charter established Community Boards to bring government closer to the
people and provide local input in such areas as the budget, land use and service
delivery. The City Charter Chapter
70, Section 2800, d. clearly requires each community board to carry out 21
enumerated functions, yet the budget provides only minimal funds to carry out
these mandates. In addition, the Queens Civic Congress has observed a reduction in the appointments of civic and neighborhood representatives to community boards. A lack of civic expertise significantly reduces the effectiveness of local community boards. We
are also are aware of proposals to change the method of appointing community
board members. We support
continuing the current method of community board appointments by the Borough
Presidents and City Council members. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Call on the City to provide adequate funds for the Community Boards to
carry out the Charter mandated functions and to ensure the timely delivery of
city services to their districts. 2.
Call for Borough Presidents and Council Members to give greater emphasis
to qualifications and active community participation of prospective community
board members in making their appointments. 3.
Oppose proposals to change the current method of appointing community
board members. Open Government We
welcome the new administration’s plans to put more information about agency
operations on the internet. We
must also ensure that government allows the public basic access to the seat of
government to access public meetings with ease, to access their elected and
appointed officials in the halls of government and to criticize (or praise)
government at the seat of government. Concerns
about security offer no basis for these rules that effectively limit speech and
opportunities for the average citizen to influence government.
Voting represents one of the ways that citizens participate in civic life
and government. Access to voter registration expands public access and
participation in government. In our
own city, City Hall must encourage this important form of civic and political
involvement through easing participation in the political process.
This includes encouraging voter registration at our public schools,
colleges, and other educational institutions and community and faith-based
organizations. Therefore, the Queens
Civic Congress adopts the following: 1.
Require city government to report routinely basic information about
agency operations to community boards, borough boards and council members and
borough presidents. 2.
Call on the government of our City to ensure access to City
Hall and its Plaza to the people. 3.
Call on the city to encourage voter registration through the appropriate
use of our public schools, colleges, and other educational institutions and
community and faith-based organizations. ŻŻŻ The
following information has been extracted from the 'Extent of Completion Report'
January 2002 status as of December 31, 2001, and the 'Line Project Status
Report' December, 2001 status as of November 30, 2001 Both reports are produced
by the New York City School Construction Authority.
The listing of projects implies no position by the Queens Civic Congress
on individual school projects, nor does it imply support for any such project by
a member civic. The following line projects
activity under execution or completed after June 30, 1999 (section one) are: Community School Districts
High Schools
Chancellor Schools